Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'm now 6 weeks old and am really starting to get the hang of this. I've been spending a lot of time in OC and the best part is that my Gran & Aunties are doting on me while mommy has time to relax. They love me so much they fight over me. Mommy & Daddy went out tonight to Sail's and I had my first bottle, which is supposed to be a big deal. They were nervous that I wouldn't "take it"...well I proved them wrong by chugging it. They all curbed their wine intake until mommy & daddy got home....then they made up for it. Those Aunties really know how to have fun!
I've also had fun with my Great's a picture of her in her glasses. She looks great for 86, doesn't she? She's a character, but is also one of the most loving people in the world. She keeps forgetting that mommy had me, because she's been really confused lately, but I know that she loves me with all her heart.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Truro August 2006

Look at my skinny legs...I'm gearing up for our Lobster Fest. I get so sad when I see the lobsters steaming in the pot, but daddy tells me they don't feel it. I can't wait until I'm old enough to eat a lobbie!
Relaxing on Ballston beach with Daddy...sometimes he forgets to shave and it scratches my head.
On the rooftop deck with the ladies....I saw my first sunset and it was beautiful!

I can't wait until I'm big enough next summer to play in the sand. It was a long drive, but worth it. I loved my first trip to Cape Cod!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Meeting Uncle Eags

Uncle Eagle came out to meet me with his fiance Christin. I fell asleep in his arms and it was so cozy.
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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Making New Friends in OC....

Mommy's dear friend Stephanie and her 3 boys Alex, Lucas, and Andrew came over to meet me today. We're going to be buddies!

Auntie Ainsley

Ainsley is Auntie Jo's baby. She was home from college all summer long so we got to hang out and spend lots of time together at the beach. She was one of mommy's bridesmaids in her wedding and she looked so beautiful. She's also one of the sweetest people in the world.
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Saturday, August 5, 2006

Ocean City NJ August 2006

My first beach party in OCNJ! Mommy carried me down to the beach in the baby bjorn and daddy pushed my stroller, filled with vino and cheese. Everyone was there! Gran & Poppers, the aunties, ainsley and the boys, beth, the whole gang!
Mommy and Aunt Kate have told me that OC is a special place to them because of all the memories they have of their summers spent here. Gran & Poppers are especially excited to introduce me to this wonderful new place where I'll be spending lots of time in the sand & surf. Poppers can't wait until I'm old enough to go swimming in the ocean with him and dive off his shoulders into the waves. I hope he teaches me how to body surf too!

Friday, August 4, 2006

This is my other Grand Auntie Mare. She and Auntie Jo & Gran have been friends forever. Gran & Aunti Mare partied together at Drexel. She is a fantastic singer and loves to serenede me.
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Grand Aunties!

This is my Auntie Jo.
She takes such good care of me and we really bonded down at the shore this summer. Daddy calls her Mary Poppins because she picks up after everyone and really keeps a clean & organized home. Maybe we should kidnap her & bring her to Little Silver!
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