Sunday, January 13, 2008

Aunt Dee-Dee Home Special


No wonder I'm so handsome! Besides being named SalesPerson of the Year at CondeNast, Aunt DeeDee is a talented hairdresser too!! That's my godmother - how lucky am I?
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Sickles Park

Walk down Memory Lane...

This was my daddy's outfit when he was a little boy - 32 years ago!
It fits me just perfectly. I had fun trying it on.
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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Christmas Vacation 2007

What a fun Christmas we had! Santa really went all out this year, then we spent the week after in Naples with Grandmom, Pop Pop, DeeDee, Jo Jo, and Uncle Touchdown. Daddy caught me a nice fish and I went swimming with pop pop every day.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Grandma's bday

Grandma & I celebrated her birthday on Friday night while mommy & daddy were out. She gave me a tasty cupcake!! What fun we had!